Research Study: Homeopathy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Research Study: Homeopathy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects the...

“I can’t tell you what a positive experience this has been. This has made such a difference”
A wonderful testimonial by one of our patients at the OCHM teaching clinic “I can’t tell you...

Drosera can induce a change in mRNA expression that can be measured reliably
In this study, the biological functions of D. rotundifolia were explored in vitro following the treatment of bronchial epithelial...

Homeopathy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The experience of living through the COVID Pandemic has been one of inconvenience and frustration for most...

Seminar: Leap to the Similimum – Disease and Neural Circuits Unveiled
Functional changes precede structural changes (organs). The organ and system functioning are pre-programed neural circuits in the...

As a healthcare provider, it is important to be able to look inside and evaluate oneself.
“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have...

“Integrative Medicine” – in Ontario is being put at risk
Your access to Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) therapies – also known as “Integrative Medicine” – in...

Homeopathy as a form of Nanomedicine has a promising history of treating Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases present public health challenges worldwide. An emerging integrative approach to treating infectious diseases is using...

Homeopathic Research: Arnica after Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Homeopathic research in patients who underwent hand surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome: Arnica is commonly used by...

Eructations – excessive gas coming up from the upper digestive tract through the mouth
Eructations can be a problem for some; excessive gas coming up from the upper digestive tract through...