Meg Matthews Blindsided by Depression and Fatigue
Meg Matthews was once known as the hard partying queen of Primrose Hill but when she became...

Anxiety And Homeopathy
Back to school is in full swing and whether you’re sending your kids to school or homeschooling,...

Arnica – The Most Popular Homeopathic Remedy
Our neighbourhood is alive with children playing in the streets and with play comes injuries! What is...

Webinar: Introducing the MAP System
Are you curious about the Joshi’s MAP System? Watch a one hour webinar with Dr. Bhawisha Joshi...

Veratrum Album for Vomiting and Diarrhea
Veratrum album: this homeopathic remedy may come in handy with the cold and flu season that is...

Homeopathic Treatment of Patients with Dysmenorrhea
Homeopathic treatment of patients with dysmenorrhea: a prospective observational study with 2 years follow-up. Purpose: Evaluating homeopathic...

The use of Homeopathic Medicines for Musculoskeletal Patients
Physician practicing preferences for conventional or homeopathic medicines in elderly subjects with musculoskeletal disorders in the EPI3-MSD...

Remedy Spotlight: The Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall stands for division, intense fear, suspicion, the worst of the cold war, KGB-FBI, intrigues, betrayal,...

In Honor of World Mental Health Day
In honor of World Mental Health Day, here is a fabulous article written by Gill Graham about...

Silicea Tissue Salts
Silicea tissue salts act more upon the organic substances of the body, invoking prominently bones, joint, gland,...