In Honor of World Mental Health Day

In honor of World Mental Health Day, here is a fabulous article written by Gill Graham about the wonderful benefits of Homeopathic Medicine as treatment for depression.
A Homeopathic and holistic approach to the treatment of depression, with reference to current conventional management.
Article written with thanks to Gill Graham BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) RS Hon, DHMHS
“Deep analysis as to the cause of this insidious mental illness is vital. There is evidence unremittingly coming to light, that toxicity through GMO’s, herbicides, pesticides and food additives are strongly linked to mental illness. By adapting a holistic approach…taking natural supplements as required, adequate sleep and exercise and minimizing exposure to toxins of every variety, we could go a long way to improving mental health issues. Also, lifestyle habits and physical illnesses should be taken into account. In addition, the homeopathic consultation would obviously take into account the entire set of presenting symptoms given by the patient to the homeopath; by doing this the correct remedy is prescribed and in conjunction with the above approach, could be greatly beneficial to the overall health of a person suffering from depression”
Here is a link to the article:
Solutions are available for those who need help. Please take the necessary steps to take your health to the next level. It’s worth it!
@holistic_integrative_health .
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
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