It is the man that is sick and to be returned to health, not his body
It is the man that is sick and to be returned to health, not his body, not...

Every woman who heals herself, heals her children
Every woman who heals herself, heals her children, her children’s children and her children’s children’s children. Rewilding...

Homeopathy: A State of Balance
Wise words from a wise soul! . @holistic_integrative_health : the goal of homeopathic treatment is to achieve...

What Does It Mean To Be Healthy?
What does it mean to be healthy? Should we settle on the idea that health is the...

99% of my diseases are gone!
“I have been suffering with digestion issues and fatty liver issues that were making it difficult for...

Arnica – The Most Popular Homeopathic Remedy
Our neighbourhood is alive with children playing in the streets and with play comes injuries! What is...

Remedy for Cranky Little One
Is your little one feeling super cranky? Chamomile is a fabulous homeopathic remedy to keep in mind!!...

Veratrum Album for Vomiting and Diarrhea
Veratrum album: this homeopathic remedy may come in handy with the cold and flu season that is...

The use of Homeopathic Medicines for Musculoskeletal Patients
Physician practicing preferences for conventional or homeopathic medicines in elderly subjects with musculoskeletal disorders in the EPI3-MSD...

Remedy Spotlight: The Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall stands for division, intense fear, suspicion, the worst of the cold war, KGB-FBI, intrigues, betrayal,...