Study: Homeopathy Compared with Conventional Care
The main objective of this study is to investigate patient satisfaction and perception of side effects in...

Dogs and Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a common issue for many dogs; there is a fear of being alone and...

Morning Sickness
Many pregnant women experience morning sickness for part of even their entire pregnancy. There are many things...

Webinar: Homeopathy for Pets
EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Webinar: Homeopathy for pets. In this packed, full-day tutorial for pet owners, you will...

An understanding of self brings an open mind and heart to a patient’s case
The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling...

Webinar: The Jewels of Homeopathy
WEBINAR: The Jewels of Homeopathy The gemstones have become important members of our Materia Medica since the...

Homeopathic Research: Low Back Pain
Research: Homeopathy for chronic low back pain: a prospective observational study with 2 years follow up. Objectives: To...

Webinar: Children and Nightmares
Children and nightmares; a common issue that families are faced with that can be quite distressing. Homeopathy...

Bear Pack Interview with Haroula Battista
Bear Pack Interview with Haroula Battista: Wednesday, October 14th at noon EDT. This is part 1 of...

Key Differences Between Homeopathy & Naturopathy
There is a tendency, when comparing two things, to look at what differentiates them. This can orient...