Lecture: Homeopathic Fungi Remedies – Open to the Public
Sunday, November 29, 2020 Time: 10 AM EST – 6 PM EST Hosted by Ontario College of...

RESEARCH: ADHD & Homeopathy
RESEARCH: ADHD & Homeopathy. An open-label pilot study of homeopathic treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in...

Understanding the Nature of Serially Succussed and Diluted Solutions
RESEARCH: The use of solvatochromic dyes to investigate homeopathic potencies holds out the promise of understanding the...

Bavarian Government Focuses on Homeopathy
Bavarian Government focuses on Homeopathy with the nee department in the Ministry of Health, Germany. Bavaria is...

Italians would vote for Homeopathy
New survey shows Italians would vote for homeopathy A new survey of the population of Campania in...

Homeopathy: A State of Balance
Wise words from a wise soul! . @holistic_integrative_health : the goal of homeopathic treatment is to achieve...

Bach Flower Remedy: Mimulus
Bach Flower Remedy: Mimulus “Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone,...

What Does It Mean To Be Healthy?
What does it mean to be healthy? Should we settle on the idea that health is the...

99% of my diseases are gone!
“I have been suffering with digestion issues and fatty liver issues that were making it difficult for...

Exposure to Nature Increases Feel-Good Emotions
Being in nature reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases feel-good emotions. Exposure to nature not only...