“Jessica” had been trying to conceive for a few years – a case of infertility solved!!

We all know how powerful homeopathy is; we have experienced it ourselves and practitioners see incredible results with patients and loved ones. STILL…as a practitioner of homeopathy, I can’t help but gasp when a patient contacts me with incredible news.
Here’s a case of infertility solved.
I got a text from a patient. It was beautiful – the picture was priceless!
“Jessica” had been trying to conceive for a few years. Her menses was irregular (approximately a 35 day cycle).
The basis of my prescription: “Jessica” is a homebody. She is somewhat possessive in her relationships and can be suspicious. She is very fashionable and extroverted when she goes out to have fun. She likes to talk (a lot). Experiences irregular heart beats. She struggles with ego and being down to earth. Harbours resentment towards those that have “harmed” her. Ailments from disappointed love. Strong libido.
I prescribed Lachesis for these and other reasons. A potency of 30CH in water. 2 doses over the course of 2 months and voila!
What a way to start the month!! Another satisfied patient. More excellent result through homeopathy.
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
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