Why you should choose Us as Your Homeopathy School…
At OCHM we get questions around the reasons WHY we teach so many Health and Medical Sciences...
Superfood you’d like to know about: Blueberries
This little berry is a superfood in and of itself. They are incredibly nutrient dense fruit providing...
Glamour Magazine: Interview with Dr. Jonathan Hardy about Homeopathy
Glamour Magazine, UK interviews Dr. Jonathan Hardy about homeopathy. Here’s what he had to say: “Homeopathy is...
Homeopathy is now my Passion!
“Yes, I LOVE HOMEOPATHY and it’s my passion! But I must confess 😀that I fell in love...
Scientists at Imperial College London: Antibiotics weaken the immune system in Cancer Patients
Taking antibiotics in the month before starting immunotherapy dramatically reduces a cancer patient’s chances of survival, according...
‘Magic Pills’ Movie – Homeopathy can save Lives
Ananda More Hom, DHMHS (OCHM alumnus) is a first-time filmmaker, and no stranger to storytelling. Her debut...
Homeopathy reduces Symptoms of chronic Chikungunya in Haiti
Individualized Homeopathy Reduces Symptoms of Chronic Chikungunya in Haiti: A Pilot Data-Collection Project https://www.hwbna.org/…/6/6/316646…/2019_ajhm_chik_study.pdf Homeopaths Without Borders...
Depth of Life
Here’s a great motivational read from Avicenna Holistic Living. To read the full piece, please visit:https://bit.ly/35lbS6z Human...
Fascinating, Inspiring and truly Uplifting …
Some people not only have good ideas, but are also prepared to work hard to bring those...
The World moves on – and so do Patient Choices regarding Homeopathy!
Ken Ward-Atherton is one of the most impressive Integrative Medicine consultants in the UK. He is a...