Homeopathic Medicine and TANZANIA’S HIV EPIDEMIC
Dr. Nadia Bakir is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Homeopath. She has been a faculty member of...

Exquisite ‘Magic Pills’ Movie
Ananda More Hom, DHMHS (OCHM alumnus) is a first-time filmmaker, and no stranger to storytelling. Her debut...

Unique Opportunity: Seminar for Healthcare Professionals
We are happy to invite Inna Dolgopolsky to OCHM to discuss acute pediatrics prescribing. Inna has a...

Benefits of Homeopathy in Mental Healthcare
Adopt Homeopathy in Mental Healthcare. It can help reduce duration of hospitalisation and quantity of the medicine...

Report on Homeopathy
Australia’s leading research institute, NHMRC, recently gave in to public pressure and released its first report on...