50 Reasons: Being a Homeopath

“Homeopathy does not accept anything incurable because certain physicians declare it to be so. Incapacity to cure does not render the uncured incurable.” Burnett (1840-1901)

50 Reasons For Being a Homeopath’ is a lovely little book. It consists of 50 letters from the famous homeopathic doctor J. Compton Burnett to a young skeptic ‘Dr T.A.K’ & was written around 1888. It still shines with truth today.

Burnett’s 13th Reason For Being a Homeopath is that he cured a case of singer’s aphonia with Arnica.

He continues to say…

“Homeopathy cures what can be cured much better than any other system of medicine hitherto made known to the world. The homeopaths do not maintain that other systems are valueless, or that the homeopathic system is faultless, only that thus far in the art-treatment of disease by remedies, Homeopathy, by very long odds, beats all the records.”

In Homeopathy, we don’t look at a specific disease condition as the single factor in a case that requires curing…this is the biggest difference between Homeopathy and other systems of medicine. The mental, emotional and physical states are considered in a prescription so that the WHOLE person can move toward health.

Sit with that for a while and try to keep an open mind!

@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .

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