Homeopathic Medicine

1810 – The Organon of Rational Healing – 1st edition is published. In 1878 the British Journal of Homeopathy published this commentary on it:
“Hahnemann’s sentences are very involved, tautological, and pleonastic, but this is evidently owing to his excessive straining after accuracy, and in his endeavor so as to frame his phraseology that no two meanings could be put upon it. This leads him to load his paragraphs with endless repetitions, which, while they detract from the agreeableness of his literary art, prevent the reader from making any mistake as to his meaning, and this perhaps is an advantage that counterbalances the want of elegance and the offence to literary taste.”
While Hahnemann expresses himself in quite a direct manner, there is truth to the complexity of his chosen word…those that every practitioner when they read over and over again will gain greater insight. This Art and Science that we’re so privileged to practice is enhanced by reading his great work time and time again.
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