Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy often excels in areas where mainstream medicine has little to offer. Concussion is a good example of this. Aside from high tech measuring and monitoring, mainstream medicine usually takes a wait and watch approach to concussion. I seem to have had more than my fair share of concussion cases, and have been quite amazed at how effective homeopathy has been in turning these cases around.
The story I want to tell today is about Jennifer (name changed to preserve confidentiality). Jennifer had an accident – she ran into a wall, passed out from the impact, tried to get up, and then fell on her head again. She vomited twice at the time. She came to me a number of weeks later, complaining of general confusion; overwhelmed with constant crying; oversensitivity; intense headaches with the sensation that her head was in a vice, made worse from thinking, looking at a screen, reading; terrible memory; nausea; generally, an inability to live any part of her life with enormous despair at how she would ever get her old life back again.
I gave Jennifer a remedy with instructions to take it before bed. She called me the next morning, sounding much brighter, and told me that she woke at 1 am with the strangest sensation that she could feel the synapses in her brain moving, shifting, reconnecting and healing. She woke feeling almost 100%.
This case remains one for the books. The brain is an amazing organ, and homeopathy an amazing medicine.
Thank you Beth for an awesome case. To read the whole thing, please see: http://www.blh-homeopath.com/blog/
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