Home Events The Aquas Remedies in Homeopathy

The Aquas Remedies in Homeopathy

The Aquas is an essential group of Homeopathic remedies that are often overlooked and little studied.

These remedies are made from water –primarily, but not exclusively, from mineral springs. This challenges homeopaths in that they usually comprise various minerals, each representing a different personality type and set of symptoms.

Alicia Lee describes the overriding theme in the Aquas as β€œEmotional Over-Sensitivity.” Sub-themes include β€œDesiring to beget and have children: love for children” and β€œRemembering the past and being unable to move on: Ongoing Emotional Pain.”

In the webinar, we will look at the Aquas as a group. We will study the most prescribed Aquas and a selection of lesser-known others. Alicia Lee counts ninety-nine waters proven and made into homeopathic remedies!

I aim to introduce you to these remedies and help you identify where you can use them in your practice to heal your patients.

I will draw on the two books below, on provings and descriptions in our Materia Medica. I will illustrate with cases of my own and those of others.

To register:Β  https://www.ochm.ca/lectures-aquas/

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