The effects of acupuncture and homoeopathy in general practice
There are over 200,000,000 people who use Homeopathy worldwide and the demand for this gorgeous system of...

‘Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapour’
Professor Jerry Pollock of the bioengineering department at Seattle’s University of Washington wrote a book titled: The...

Calendula Officinalis
Calendula officinalis (marigold) belongs to the Compositae family of plant remedies. It has a specific affinity toward...

Cyber Week Savings continue!
Fantastic Cyber Week Savings! 35% OFF @ OCHM Clinic OCHM Clinic welcomes people of all ages. Our...

Exciting News at OCHM!
BIG NEWS: We are very excited to announce a brand-new Post Graduate Advanced Homeopathy Program at OCHM....

Mariel Hemingway embraces Homeopathy
“I do a lot of work with mental health and wellness, which I also believe has a...

Time to stop Fear! Homeopathy helps.
Fear is a common issue for people young and old. It is an emotion that comes on...

Ringworm (tinea)
Ringworm (tinea) is a fungal infection on the skin where clearly demarcated round spots are produced. This...

Progressing from Students to most competent Homeopaths
Happy to have received this nugget of praise today from one of our senior students. 🙏🏻 “We...

Wheezing & Homeopathy
Wheezing: a whistling sound that appears while breathing. It is due to a narrowing of the respiratory...