Royals put their faith in homeopathy

RICHARD KAY: Royals put their faith in homeopathy, alternative cures… and secrecy about their health
During those decades when she was still travelling abroad, a small leather case went everywhere with the Queen. Divided into up to 60 compartments and replenished by aides before each journey, it contained a bewildering supply of homeopathic remedies.
There was ars. for food poisoning, cocculus for travel sickness, nux-v for indigestion and arnica, for jet-lag and bruising. For the Queen…she considered it her duty to remain well on overseas engagements, not least because of the logistical nightmare if she were taken ill.
At almost 94, she has enjoyed remarkably robust health for much of her life and has seldom been forced to cancel official duties because of illness.
So, while there will be anxieties about the Prince of Wales as he fights Covid-19, the question for millions will be: what about the Queen?
Whatever arguments rage between believers and sceptics on the value of homeopathy, the royals have sided firmly, if generally privately, with its supporters.
Prince Charles has been the most public defender of alternative cures, once angrily claiming that so many myths had attached to his views of natural medicine that critics had accused him of an ‘amazing cocktail of freakish interests and obsessions’.
His alternative medical guru, Dr Mosaraf Ali, is sure he will make a speedy recovery. ‘The Prince is fit and well and rarely falls ill,’ Dr Ali told me. ‘He’s in the right place to get better — Scotland is good for him.’
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
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