Proud to study Homeopathy at OCHM

I have been part of the OCHM family for almost a year and have only wonderful things to say. All of the staff, professors, clinic coordinator and the dean are very understanding, helpful and supportive. Everyone goes above and beyond in making each student’s experience and learning process at OCHM as thorough and accessible as possible. My fellow students and myself, all have a busy schedule with numerous commitments but thanks to our amazing staff of OCHM, who are extremely thoughtful and accommodating, everyone is able to incorporate studies into their agenda.
Homeopathy is not only an incredibly interesting and captivating field, but it’s also a very effective health care option. Homeopathy is a medical art which uses the body’s vital force and curative powers, to heal itself. The curative effects of homeopathic remedies are long term and seek to eradicate disease. Instead of using “band-aid” solutions, Homeopathy searches for the cause of the ailment, and thus has the potential to actually cure the disease. Another interesting point, is that Homeopaths actually consider the whole person in creating an individualized remedy. It’s really heart-warming to see patients getting healed by a carefully selected remedy.
I cannot wait to complete my studies and start working as a Homeopath, and to see my patients getting cured and inspired by this beautiful medical art !
KR, current student
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