Lecture: Homeopathic Fungi Remedies

Join us for a lecture on Homeopathic Fungi Remedies: achieve CE credits and learn how to identify the patient needing one of the fascinating fungi remedies that will be examined in this lecture.
The mysterious world of the fungi exists above, and underground, hidden from view, yet in plain sight, if we know where to look. In this lecture, we will do exactly that. We will explore this unique group of remedies, understanding the nature of the substance as a group, and as individually differentiated remedies. Fungi remedies have a unique position between plants and drugs both medicinally and in common usage.  Learn how to spot the patients needing fungi remedies, from presenting pathology, the way they speak, their unique view of the world and relationships in it and to it. Understand the power of these potent yet toxic mushrooms in society historically, as well as our common everyday interactions with them currently.
Some of the species that will be covered include: multiple Agaricus remedies, Bovista, Psyl and Ergot, Candida, Aspergillus, Cordyceps, Secale, Ustilago and Sticta.
Date/time: Sunday, November 29th, 2020 (10am – 6pm‬ EDT)
Cost: $75
Lecturer: Joy Burlton
Location: online and accessible to all
Registration: www.ochm.ca/lectures_fungi


Bring your enthusiasm, questions and curiosity to learn all about this amazing group of remedies. This is going to be a FULL day’s class, accessible over ZOOM.
Instructor: Joy Burlton

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