Homeopathic Solutions for Eye Strain

After a long day of hard work, my eyes get strained and pleasure reading often requires glasses. Can you relate?
Here are some great homeopathic remedies you may consider for eye strain:
Aconite: if a foreign substance enters the eye and causes irritation. Patient feel agitated, there’s pain, watery eyes and sensitivity to light.
Apis: puffy areas around the eyes with burning and stinging, better cold applications. Also useful in situations where the eyes are strained after exposure to extended periods of bright light.
Arg-n: aching from overuse. Relieved by closing the eyes and pressure. Focus is difficult.
Arnica: a bruised, sore feeling in the eyes after closely focused work. Dizzy on closing the eyes.
Kali-phos: exhaustion and stress lead to eye strain. May experience nerve pain in the face or teeth.
Nat-m: eyelids feel heavy and accompanied by headache. Letters on a page may run together.
Ruta: strain from over exertion of the eyes
Our clinic welcomes you at 1245 Danforth Ave. in Toronto.
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