Homeopathic Medicine and TANZANIA’S HIV EPIDEMIC

Dr. Nadia Bakir is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Homeopath. She has been a faculty member of OCHM for many years and is respected by her students and colleagues alike.
An incredible piece on:
The full article: https://bit.ly/2obTnAu
Tanzania is renowned for its magnificent biodiversity and rich wildlife. Yet 40% of its population lives in extreme poverty, 60% lives below the poverty line, and one third of the country has no access to clean drinking water. The food situation in Tanzania has been ranked as “Extremely Alarming”.
The ramifications of the HIV epidemic in Tanzania are devastating.
Located at the foot of mount Kilimanjaro, Homeopathy for Health in Africa (HHA), a non-profit organization, is making big strides in alleviating the suffering of people with HIV/AIDS.
Homeopathy can reduce the side effects, which enables patients to stay with their ARV regime. Along with an improvement in CD4 blood counts, there are quick and definite improvements in energy levels, wellbeing, appetite, dreams and emotional states. As a result, patients who were confined to bed can now work and provide food for their families after homeopathic treatment.
Dr. Bakir and her colleagues embarked on a trip to Tanzania where they learned the most effective remedies in the treatment of people with HIV/AIDS. They were amazed by the results patients were reporting.
The people of Tanzania relate well to homeopathy. Aside from the high effectiveness of remedies, Tanzanians like that homeopathy is natural, has no side effects and treats the whole person.
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