Homeopathic Medicine

“I had just opened my naturopathic practice in 1978 when a 25-year-old nursing mother entered my office. Her complaint was mastitis, a painful infection of the breast…She has just completed her second course of antibiotic therapy from her medical doctor. Each time the antibiotics ran out, the problem would recur with a vengeance…The patient was in a great deal of pain. She had a fever with a temperature of around 101F. On examination the right breast showed an angry red streak extending along its side. It was very tender to the touch. I took her case according to the homeopathic system and prescribed a medicine for her. It was the Homeopathic remedy known as Phytolacca 30C…she was fed up with the antibiotic approach and insisted on trying the remedy…That night I lay in bed awake with anxiety. I suspected it had been irresponsible for me to treat this patient homeopathically…The next morning when I arrived at the office, I pulled her chart and called her…(she said) “Yes, it’s all fine…isn’t that what was supposed to happen?”…From that moment, I gazed on my little white homeopathic globules with new found respect…When I saw her a month or so later during a visit for her child, she told me the infection had started to come back about a week after the remedy, so she had taken a second dose and everything stayed well after that. This kind of remarkable cure becomes more common as one gains experience in homeopathic prescribing. The secret is individualizing, treating each patient as a unique whole.”
Timothy R. Dooley, ND., MD from the book: Homeopathy Beyond Flat Earth Medicine
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
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