Home Events Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, Post-Partum, and Assisted Reproduction (IVF and other Interventions)

Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, Post-Partum, and Assisted Reproduction (IVF and other Interventions)

Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, Post-Partum, and Assisted Reproduction (IVF and other Interventions)

Dates/times: May 4th (9am – 5pm EDT) & May 19th, 2024 (10am – 6pm EDT) | Cost: $150 | Lecturer: Joy Burlton

Supporting patients through a healthy and happy pregnancy have been some of the most life changing healing examples in my practice. I wish to share with you the healing that can occur for the whole family, but specifically the mother, and how to facilitate this through homeopathic treatment during pregnancy, labour, post-partem and assisted reproduction.

Healing that assists in the gentle and powerful movement through the process of growing, nurturing and delivering life, from a place of physical and emotional health, and confidence in her own body. This is especially important where there has been a history of child loss and miscariage for the mother or grandmother, as well as infertility and birth trauma. And when things have gone awry, when development on any level from mom or baby has become stuck, we need to proceed with care and vision of what needs attention and healing through our remedies.

Healing the state that occurs during the pregnancy is a head start on having a loving peaceful birth and post-partem period, providing the most beneficial start in life, and can have exponential impacts because it is the one time you are truly treating the miasmatic load and have the ability to treat 2 people at the same time, right from the start.

Please join us to learn some wonderful tips and tricks to better support your patients through this powerful period of life. A time when homoepathy can deeply impact the whole trajectory of a patient’s lineage.

Learn all about assisted reproduction and how homeopathy can help our patients mental and physical health through this often difficult process. Learn about different procedures and escalation of interventions that are used to assist many people in achieving a pregnancy. IVF, IUI, various pharmacological interventions embryo transfer, donor egg and sperm etc etc. You will be better able to serve your patients once you understand the ins and outs of navigating this process and the potential strain and stress many couples and single moms by choice feel as they navigate this medicalised reproductive world, and how remedies can help.

We will delve into remedies indicated to assist a healthy happy pregnancy but also discuss what can potentially go awry with these treatments and the homeopathic states that can be seen in our patients and their children who are conceived using these technologies.

To learn more and to register: https://ochm.ca/lectures-pregnancy/


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