Home Events Existential Quandaries and Their Relation to Chronic Illness

Existential Quandaries and Their Relation to Chronic Illness

Date/time: Sunday, December 12th, 2021 (10am – 6pm EDT) | Cost: $75 | Lecturer: Jerry Kantor

This class explores some of the essential philosophical questions regarding the meaning of dis-ease. Existentialism is a type of philosophical inquiry that explores the problem of human existence and centres on the experience of thinking, feeling, and acting in relation to the individual’s sense of placement and belonging in the world around him/her. An understanding of this essential sense of self has profound and significant relevance to the formation and understanding of dis-ease.

There is a distinct correlation between life’s major quandaries, or existential questions and the five classical miasms. While these questions may not require logical answers, but understanding and addressing their energetic relevance can move the organism toward a state of health and balance. Absence of such resolution can have a lasting toxic impact on the organism, creating an intensification of dis-ease, especially when in the absence of any material causative agent.

In this class we will explore the existential questions the correlate to the essential miasms. For example:

1. Am I alone in life or am I in synchrony with nature and with others? (Tubercular miasm)
2. Is my presence in the world sustainable? (Psoric miasm)
3. How am I oriented in space and time? (Sycotic miasm)
4. Can the boundary between life and death be abided? (Syphilitic miasm)
5. Will the insurrection of my birth prove fruitful? (Cancer miasm)

We will also explore the remedies associated with these essential philosophical questions – medicines that when well prescribed have the potential to defuse the toxicity of unresolved core quandaries and their resulting energetic imprint.



This is going to be a FULL day’s class, accessible over ZOOM.

Details: Sunday, December 12th, 2021 from 10am – 6pm EDT (7am – 3pm PST)

Cost: $75 (recording will be available if you are not able to make it live)

We look forward to seeing you soon!

For more information and to register, please see: https://ochm.ca/lectures_existential_quandaries/

The event is finished.

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