Depth of Life

Here’s a great motivational read from Avicenna Holistic Living. To read the full piece, please visit:
Human beings just like any other species on this planet are susceptible to disease. However, diseases that are manifested in our physical bodies are not simply diseases, they are the healing mechanisms of our bodies.
The concept of impermanence and unpredictability of life’s journey teaches us to live in the moment and understand the deep meaning of the great Persian physician of ninth century’s
quote: “ Depth of life is more important than the length of life”. With this in mind I would like to present a few steps that will assist us in creating
healthier journey in life regardless of its length.
1. Be present. Live life in the now. This is an extremely difficult practice for us humans in today’s life. It cannot be achieved in a day or two. It requires years of practicing and awareness toward our own patterns and perceptions. It requires a deep learning of self and a constant reminder that everything is impermanent.
2. Remember to take time for yourself. Take time off from the routine day to day world. If you have to sit quiet in a forest, or just stay at home and read, rest, listen to music, cook for pleasure, or just walk around all days in your pjs and do absolutely nothing, then do it. The world out there will move on without you. Be kind to yourself.
3. Meditate and take deep breaths, even if it is ten minutes a day.
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