Your chance to Health, Your Opportunity to a wonderful Career!

At the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, we have trained hundreds of competent and confident Homeopaths. Our students receive in depth, practical training that they can implement in their practices right away; in fact, they leave our school with patients of their own and a homeopathic practice that is on solid ground.
Our students come to us from various work and academic backgrounds and at different life stages. We acknowledge that the decision to study homeopathy is a big one! We’re here to help with that.
Are you wondering how you can make an impact in your family’s health or to the community as a whole? If you’re at a stage in your life where you are looking for a change, to advance your career or make a difference in the world around you, Homeopathy may very well be the career path you have been looking for!
From a personal perspective, I chose to study Homeopathy many moons ago because I wanted to be the go-to healthcare provider for my family. I wanted to raise children in a truly holistic way and I wanted to be equipped with the right tools to do so.
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine and was absolutely the right choice for me. My studies were rigorous but I wouldn’t have it any other way; after all this is the study of a Health and Medical Practice that has been around for hundreds of years. I will forever be a student of Homeopathy and am blessed to have studied with the best in the field at OCHM.
With a professional qualification, you can choose to practice full or part time. You can help your children and family; your friends and neighbours and your community grow and thrive naturally.
The study of homeopathy is not limited to people of a certain age or academic background; sometimes the best Homeopaths are those that have no prior knowledge of medicine! What about a specialty?
If you’re a Naturopathic Doctor or a healthcare provider, our tailored courses can help you achieve further designations as well as heighten your success with your patients.
Our courses broaden your knowledge base and will change your life forever – in a good way!