It is the man that is sick and to be returned to health, not his body

It is the man that is sick and to be returned to health, not his body, not the issues.
James Tyler Kent
What does this mean exactly? It means that people are to be treated as a whole; we do not treat a certain “dis-ease” or a part…that’s really not how people work! We are WHOLE people, not something simple like a sum of our parts. It would be rudimentary to think that the lungs work separately from the heart and the liver or kidneys; all of our parts work together in a harmonious WHOLE. Therefore, when we are treating a patient, we look at all parts of them, all physical and biological parts but also their mental and emotional states. It is only by treating the whole person that the individual parts can be well. This is the basis of holistic medicine and the medicine of the future.

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