Homeopathy helps with Endometriosis

Homeopathy helps with ENDOMETRIOSIS
Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial cells. They normally form inside of the uterus, but in this condition they grow outside the womb, usually on other organs of the pelvis, particularly the ovaries and fallopian tubes. These cells are usually shed each month during menstruation.
The symptoms of Endometriosis include painful periods, heavy periods, pelvic pain that is worse during menstruation, ovarian cysts, painful intercourse, painful bowel movements or urination, sickness, constipation and diarrhea, and infertility.
Endometriosis affects women mainly of childbearing age, and the pain and distress it causes can have a significant impact on the ability of the woman to live her life normally, and can lead to depression.
Homeopathic Options
Homeopathy has highlighted a number of remedies that have been found to be useful in its treatment.
Carbolicum acidum (Carb-ac)
Menses: profuse, dark, stains the linen.
With headache and irritability.
Leucorrhoea: profuse, fetid, acrid, greenish.
Dragging pain in loins and pelvis.
Urinary frequency with burning in the urethra.
Nausea: motion sickness, migraine, pregnancy.
Easily fatigued by least exertion.
Menses: too early, too profuse, intermittent, inter-menstrual bleeding.
Blood: bright red, watery, mixed with dark clots.
Blood is hot and gushes out. Active flow. Paroxysmal flow.
Slightest movement causes bleeding, however walking may ease the pain.
High sex drive, sex drive increases with menstruation.
Leucorrhea: offensive, corrosive, after menses.
Labor-like menstrual cramps, with pain in the joints.
Feels as if the bones are breaking open.
Pain is better for lying flat on the back with limbs extended.
Pains extend from uterus into thighs, from lower back into pubis or from below upwards.
Shooting pain up the vagina.
WORSE for warm air.
BETTER for cool, open air. (Pulsatilla)
Secale cornutum
Bearing down, labor-like pains, with profuse flow and large clots (Sabina)
Continuous oozing of dark, offensive blood.
After a while the blood becomes thin and watery, or tarry, leaving a brown stain difficult to wash out.
After Pitocin which affects the uterus’s ability to contract affecting menses and labor.
Aversion to heat, wants to be uncovered.
Ravenous, yet difficulty putting on weight.
Not robust person.
Skin: dusky, shriveled with numerous varicoses and dark spots overlying her shins.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
Menses: too early, profuse; protracted (8-15 days), slow in starting, with severe cramps and vomiting
Blood is dark with large clots (Sabina, Secale)
Bleeding is exhausting: they scarcely recovers from the last period before the next begins (Sec.)
Metrorrhagia: with violent cramps.
Leucorrhoea, before and after menses; bloody, dark, offensive, stains
Pain in uterus
Vertigo worse on rising
Eyes puffy on rising
Aggravated: Every other period, before, during and after menses; pregnancy; after abortion, miscarriage or childbirth, walking.
Ameliorated by: pressure and warmth
Enlarged uterus
Mood: depressed, weeping, irritable, aversion to company, too tired to answer, wants to be alone. (Bryonia)
Very similar to Sepia, but worse for motion.
Sepia feels better for exercise.
Many other homeopathic remedies are used for the treatment of Endometriosis, depending on individual symptoms.
Credit to: Steve Scrutton, Homeopath
Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.