Homeopathic Medicine

“People who get few diseases are often referred to as healthy. In other words, the absence of disease defines their state of health. Health, however, is much more than just the absence of disease. It is more accurate to say that healthy people get fewer diseases and feel better in general because they are already healthy. This subtle distinction is important because treating disease, as is done in conventional medicine, will not necessarily result in a healthier person. It is possible for the disease to go away, and yet the patient, as a whole, remains in an equally poor, or even worse, state of health. In such a reduced state of health, people often complain to their doctors of many symptoms such as poor energy, sleep problems, or emotional imbalance. Perhaps they just don’t feel well. It is often only a matter of time before the previous disease returns or another disease, possibly more serious takes its place. It is treated as if there is no relationship between the old disease and the new disease. This is not so; there is a relationship. The relationship is the patient! These diseases do not just happen. They are processes which involve the very same patient. From the Homeopathic view of the whole person; the various problems and symptoms, both past and present, are all related. They reflect the unique health expression of that individual. Furthermore, the parts of the body do not independently get sick. It is the whole person who gets sick, even though most diseases express in predominantly one part of the body or another. That is why just treating the apparently sick part may not benefit the patient as a whole.”
-Timothy R. Dooley, N.D., M.D.
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
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