Time to stop Fear! Homeopathy helps.

Fear is a common issue for people young and old. It is an emotion that comes on as a result of a threat…the threat can be real or imaginary. The fear reaction is typically due to a past experience or can be a result of anticipating something unfavourable happening. There are many common fears and if they’re not dealt with, these fears can turn into debilitating anxieties. Homeopathy can address fears on a deep level and it is recommended that your fears are treated by a qualified individual.

Here are some remedies that can be used to address fears:

Acon: anxety due to fear of death. Can predict the time of death.

Arg-n: fear of height (flying) and claustrophobia (buildings or walls closing in). anxiety about the future.

Ars: restlessness accompanied by fear of death. Anxious about health, money and robbers.

Aur: fear of failure with hopelessness

Calc: fear of change, dark, insects, animals

Carc: fear of cancer

Gels: fear of appearing on stage, anticipatory anxiety with trembling limbs

Kali-ars: fear of contracting a life-threatening illness or dying of a heart attack

Lyc: stage fright with lac of self confidence

Lyss: anxiety as a result of fear of water…this includes running water

Nit-ac: fear of illness

Phos: fear of something ‘bad’ happening, of being alone, dark, ghosts, thunderstorms

Puls: fear of closed spaces and only feels better in open air

Sil: fear of taking on new tasks


Our clinic welcomes you at 1245 Danforth Ave. in Toronto.

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

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