Washington Irving

Washington Irving (1783–1859) was best known for writing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip van Winkle as well as several major biographies.
On February 21, 1854, Irving wrote to a friend: “I have found, in my own case, great relief from Homeopathy, to which I had recourse almost accidentally; for I am rather slow at adopting new theories” (Hendrick, 1987, 170). He went on to say that after homeopathic treatment he was more able to continue his literary efforts. Later that same year, he wrote: “You ask me whether the homeopathics still keep me quite well. I really begin to have a great faith in them. The complaint of the head especially, which troubled me last year, and obliged me to throw by my pen, has been completely vanquished by them.”
Thank you Dana Ullman, MPH for this information (www.homeopathic.com)
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