Homeopathy for Sun Stroke


Sun stroke can be a very serious medical emergency.

Symptoms can develop from prolonged exposure to the sun and particularly from physical exertion in high temperatures. 

One can experience: headaches, dizziness, nausea and exhaustion. Emergency care should be sought in such cases especially if there is an accelerated heartbeat and heavy breathing. 

While waiting for emergency care to arrive, you can help by applying cool water to the person’s body and removing them from the sun. Some homeopathic remedies that could be helpful while emergency care is in their way:

Acon: This will calm the patient, will remove restlessness & anxiety.

Arnica: Indicated for high temperature with redness of head, but coldness of body. 

Arsenicum: exhaustion, confusion, and faintness.

Belladonna: Excessive heat and pulsation in the head. The pulse is changeable. There is a sudden onset of palpitations, vertigo and throbbing.

Camphor: Indicated for states of collapse. Pulse is weak and small. 

Carbo veg.: feels worn out, are dehydrated and the patient is breathing heavily.

Gelsemium: Headache from exposure to sun. There is dizziness, drowsiness & trembling. 

Lachesis: is indicated for headache, paleness, vertigo, faintness and arrhythmia.

Natrium carb.: There much exhaustion, vertigo, headache and an inability to think clearly.

Natrium mur.: There is a throbbing, semi-lateral, congestive headache, that is experienced as of multiple hammers hitting the head. Fluttering of the heart with an intermittent pulse, and palpitation can be experienced as violent.

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       


Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

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