Homeopathy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Homeopathy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Date/time: Sunday, March 28th, 2021 (10am – 6pm EDT) | Cost: $75 | Lecturer: Tatiana Tesker


Living in Survival Mode

The experience of living through the COVID Pandemic has been one of inconvenience and frustration for most people, but for some people with a history of trauma and mental health issues, the pandemic has presented more of a crisis. The beginning of 2020 introduced us all to a new reality. For some, the situtation has been much more severe than for others, making it difficult to function at all, never mind, thrive in this climate of uncertainty, insecurity, isolation, and confusion. These are the sorts of situations that respond well to homeopathy, and have thereby required homeopaths to be confident and competent in addressing individual experiences of trauma along with other emotional manifestations that the Pandemic has triggered for those susceptible to a poor response to such situations.

In my practice I see a lot of patients who find that this ‘new normal’ is quite difficult and for many patients this situation has reopened old wounds of trauma. When old wounds resurface, the patient may experience PTSD, a condition that Homeopathy can help with.

This lecture was designed to help homeopaths deepen their understanding of mechanisms of physical and emotional trauma, its effects and how we can help patients who have a history of trauma and have endured its long-lasting effects.

In this lecture we will look at the homeopathic essence of the main homeopathic remedies that address the effects of trauma and will discuss individual reactions to traumatic experiences depending on their miasmatic expression.

We will discuss the importance of individualized prescribing based on the understanding of the inner experience of trauma. We will look at case-taking techniques that can be applied during the homeopathic consultation to help patients get in touch with their experience and describe it in a way that leads the homeopath to choose the best suited remedy for removing the effects of their trauma.

This lecture is suitable for both experienced and “new” homeopaths, as well as students of homeopathy.


This is going to be a FULL day’s class, accessible over ZOOM.

Details: Sunday, March 28, 2021 from 10am – 6pm EDT

Cost: $75 


Instructor: Tatiana Tesker


A registered Homeopath with College of Homeopaths of Ontario with 15 years of professional experience., Tatiana helps people reach their full potential and restore health using natural and homeopathic remedies.

“I always was interested in psychosomatic aspects of health and psychophysiology – how our emotional state can affect physical health and vice versa (my PhD project was on Psychosomatic Aspects of Infertility)”.

Tatiana graduated from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine to study Medical Science and Homeopathic Medicine in 2006 and has a background in Psychology.

Tatiana is one of our faculty members and is adored by her colleagues and students alike.


We look forward to seeing you soon!