Mollusc Remedies in Homeopathy

Mollusc Remedies in Homeopathy


Date/time: Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, 2024 (9am – 5pm EDT both days)
Cost: $200 until June 14th, 2024 and $250 thereafter
Lecturer: Dr. Jonathan Hardy


We are very excited to be hosting the dynamic and brilliant Dr. Jonathan Hardy to present the Mollusc Remedies in a two-day lecture series.

The Molluscs are a large and extremely varied family. Homeopathic cases from this family are often wonderfully rich in Sensation level material. We will study the common themes of the family and those of the three main Mollusc classes: Bivalves, Gastropods and Cephalopods.

The cases, on video which has been edited for brevity and clarity, will include Helix aspersa (Garden Snail), Venus mercenaria (American Clam), Cypraea eglantina (Cowrie), Pearl, Octopus, Loligo vulgaris (Squid), Sepia (Cuttlefish) and Nautilus.

We will see how information from the patient which comes from an intuitive connection with the archetypal energy of the source of their remedy is invaluable. Combining this with our traditional methods of repertorization and study of materia medica can lead to accurate prescribing of remedies with which we may not be familiar. Learning the common themes and expressions of remedy groups is a powerful way to structure our case analysis and to make use of our ever-increasing materia medica of remedies.


This lecture will be fully accessible over ZOOM.

Details: Saturday and Sunday, June 22 & 23, 2024 from 9am – 5pm EDT both days

Cost: $200 (recording will be available if you are not able to make it live) until June 14th, 2024 and $250 thereafter


Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Hardy


Dr. Hardy followed a conventional course of training at Southampton University and qualified in medicine in 1984. After working at St Mary’s Hospital in Portsmouth he began training in Homeopathy.

Dr. Hardy has been in full-time practice as a Homeopathic doctor since 1986. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy and serve as the Independent Practitioners’ Representative on the Faculty Council. Dr. Hardy is an international speaker.

β€œWhen I was a medical student at Southampton University we had to conduct some original research. I chose to do a trial of the Homeopathic treatment of house dust allergy, which causes sneezing and itchy eyes. It has even been used as an excuse by teenagers for not making their beds! The trial showed a statistically significant benefit of the Homeopathic remedy compared to a placebo. Several of the patients experienced permanent relief of their symptoms.

My supervisor, who became a well known professor of respiratory medicine, was amazed and impressed. The results were so conclusive that they were one of the reasons I chose to enter full-time Homeopathic practice shortly after qualifying in medicine in 1984. I have never regretted doing so.

My personal experience is that Homeopathy is a wonderful system of healing. One of its great advantages is that it can actually promote well-being. As well as relief of physical symptoms, patients will usually feel an increase of energy, improved mood and often say that they really feel once again like their old selves.”

LECTURE - Mollusc Remedies in Homeopathy
Dr. Jonathan Hardy will present a two-day lecture series on Mollusc Remedies, exploring the rich Sensation level material of the diverse Mollusc family, emphasizing the significance of intuitive connection with remedy sources alongside traditional repertorization methods and materia medica study for accurate prescribing.