Functional changes precede structural changes (organs). The organ and system functioning are pre-programed neural circuits in the automatic functioning parts of the brain. These normal functioning circuits can get corrupted in childhood, as demonstrated by Pavlov and confirmed by Watson (Little Albert Experiment).
This applies to physiological changes as well, not only emotions and behaviour as shown by Ader and Cohen. The Similimum is part of the corrupted circuit. Hence, disease results due to the corrupted circuit. The object from the circuit, whose source characteristics are seen as peculiar symptoms in the chief complaints, is the Similimum. The Method is about accessing the corrupted circuit in childhood and recognizing the object there, which is the source of the bulls eye similimum.
Together Let’s explore the mystery of the Automatic Brain
Language – 5 senses
Speed- faster than the thinking brain
Content- flashback 5D visuals of childhood
THE CORRECT REEMEDY CHANGES ONE’S LIFE. If you want to get to that point, with your patients, UNVEIL THE MOVIE OF LIFE WITH US ON …
Dates and Times:
April 24th, 2021; 9am – 1:30pm EST
April 25, 2021; 9am – 1:30pm EST
May 1st, 2021; 9am – 3:30pm EST
May 2nd, 2021; 9am – 1:30pm EST
This is seminar will be accessible over ZOOM.
Cost: $185 – $375
All four days: $375. This package would be most beneficial for the practitioners who are new to Dr. Divya Chhabra’s work
April 24th and 25th weekend only (introductory): $185 This weekend is meant for those who are new to it or are just learning the method. It will guide to to understand the principles, take you through the steps and help you fly.
May 1st and 2nd weekend only: $200. This weekend is for advanced Homeopaths who have already attended Dr. Divya Chhabra’s Intensive Course (in January 2021)
Dr. Divya Chhabra is one of the world’s great homeopaths. Skilled in the diagnosis and choice of remedy, with a combination of mathematical skill and experiential instinct, Dr. Divya Chhabra has dedicated her life to finding the perfect constitutional remedy for the patient. Her quest for perfection has one constant, the exploration of the unconscious brain
as a controller of disease patterns. This is the foundation of her method “Leap to the Simillimum”. Its latest evolved avatar is based on the understanding of disease based on the
“Pavlovian Model of Neural Circuits”.
Learn how the conscious and unconscious (automatic) brain work and just how they are a huge contributor to health and disease. Learn how to break the patterns and the circuits with a homeopathic remedy, that are causing disharmony and disease. Dr. Divya Chhabra is on the cutting edge of this incredible, ground-breaking science.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Package #1 would be most beneficial for students and practitioners who are new to Dr. Divya Chhabra’s work. This would cover all 4 days and you will learn the basic method as well as the advanced teachings. Cost: $375 USD.
***it is highly recommended to participate in all 4 days, what Dr. Divya Chhabra as her teaching is a paradigm shift and repetition is key.
Package #2: April 24th and 25th weekend costs $185 USD. This weekend is meant for those who are new to it or are just learning the method. It will guide to to understand the principles, take you through the steps and help you fly.
Package #3: May 1st and 2nd weekend costs $200 USD. This weekend is for the advanced Homeopaths who have already attended Dr. Divya Chhabra’s Intensive Course (in January 2021).
Learn something new, expand your knowledge base and earn continuing education credits! Let’s go!