Our program generates considerable interest for those who are already health care professionals and have experienced the gentle and profound impact of homeopathic treatment. Our students who come from a healthcare background have included naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists as well as those who already have careers and training in other complementary modalities. In most cases, we can offer an accelerated program for those who come to OCHM with strong backgrounds in other health medical sciences. In many cases, we find that health care professionals can complete our entire program in one year, depending on the time they have to commit to their homeopathic education. Depending on prior experience, health care professionals may be exempted from some or even most of our medical science courses, providing them with time to complete the clinical requirements during their homeopathy training.

Likewise, those coming to OCHM with prior homeopathic training may be exempted from portions of our homeopathic curriculum.  In all instances, exemptions are determined on an individual basis based on transcripts from previous educational institutions.  We offer reduced tuition fees for health care professional with course exemptions.  The course curriculum is similar to our intensive program (please have a look) with possible exemptions to be discussed case by case.