The Jewels of Homeopathy


Date/time: Sunday, November 1st, 2020 (10am – 6pm EDT) | Cost: $75 | Lecturer: Pat Deacon

The gemstones have become important members of our Materia Medica since the publication of Peter Tuminello’s ” Twelve Jewels” in 2005.
In this webinar, Pat will give an overview of the gemstones and when to consider them in solving a case. We will look broadly at the group of gem remedies and specifically at five precious stones: Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Diamond. Pat will present some of her cases and some from colleagues.

“I teach in a dialogical style, so be prepared to ask questions, share your own cases, or bring us somewhere you might think of giving a gemstone but aren’t sure. I will do a differential with remedies that can look like gems and share references to the existing literature.”


This is going to be a FULL day’s class, accessible over ZOOM.

Details: Sunday, November 1, 2020 from 10am – 6pm EDT (7am – 3pm PST)

Cost: $75 (recording will be available if you are not able to make it live)


Instructor: Pat Deacon, HOM, RSHom, HMC

I fell in love with Homeopathy in 1979, when I took my oldest child to see Louis Klein for treatment.

The consulting process and the perspective on healthΒ and disease – not to mention the results- impressed me deeply. When I purchased some books and began reading Kent, my love for this Art and Science grew further.

I eventually made my way to England where I studied professionally, practiced, and then registered with the Society of Homeopaths in 1998, of which I am still an overseas member. I returned to Canada in 1999 where I graduated from Louis Klein’s post-grad Homeopathic Master Practitioner programme and practiced and taught homeopathy in several provinces and online since then. I am now a registered member of the College of Homeopaths of Ontario, a provincial regulatory body.

I live in a village between Montreal and Ottawa with my husband and two cats and I spend time in British Columbia, with my grandchildren and adult children. I work online and occasionally, in person. I also mentor, supervise, and teach.

My love for homeopathy has only grown over the years. I continue to be impressed and astonished at its largely unseen and unrecognized potential for dramatically changing peoples’ lives.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

LECTURE - Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy
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