Home Events Exploring the Secret Lanthanides and Colours in Homeopathy

Exploring the Secret Lanthanides and Colours in Homeopathy

The Lanthanides

The Lanthanides, that “secret” line on the Periodic Table, became a part of homeopathy through Dutch homeopath Jan Scholten. His book,” The Secret Lanthanides,” was published in 2005. Since then, homeopaths worldwide have found solutions to some of their unsolved cases by prescribing them.

In this webinar, I will reveal these “secrets” by examining each of the Lanthanide elements and their salts. I will discuss their relationship to other parts of the Periodic Table and similar remedy groupings. I will talk about the kind of patient who needs a Lanthanide and the sort of complaints they are likely to present.

Colours in Homeopathy

Another tool central to my practice is the use of Colours as they correspond to homeopathic remedies. This work is based on the book “Colors in Homeopathy” by Ulrich Welte. You will find references in The Secret Lanthanides to the colours patients have chosen. I will explain how the chart works and will illustrate its use in cases.

Come and join us for a colourful day and gain two new clinical approaches for your case taking.

Dates/times: June 5 & 6 (10am-4pm)
Cost: $150 both days
Lecturer: Pat Deacon, RSHom., HMC

To register, please visit: https://ochm.ca/lectures_lanthanides_and_colours/

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